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She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms

Dance Battle Music - Hayat Dominguez
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Fight Music - Hayat Dominguez
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Final Fight Music - Hayat Dominguez
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She Kills Monsters is one of my favorite scripts. I love the story line and the nerdy context. During Covid-19, She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms was the best option to produce this script. We performed on Zoom and I ran the show off of my system at home since we didn't have an engineer. I did Sound and Media design for this production and did a lot of work on stylizing music for characters, and giving visuals to the fantasy characters and some of the fights. My main goal was to help to differentiate between the real world and the fantasy world. I would put the whole show here if I could but I'll just leave you with a few of my favorite compositions.
Media design can be found under the video tab.
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