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Paper Work
The Wolves
University of Illinois
This is a copy of the section view of my plot, because the height of some of my speakers needed to be notated more than they would be in a standard plot.
Marat Sade
University of Illinois
This is a copy of the speaker plot and was my first design in this black box Studio Theatre.
Gem of the Ocean
University of Illinois
This is a copy of the speaker plot for my design and though I didn't have a plot of the full space there are noted speakers out in the house and in the catwalks.
Hit the Wall
University of Illinois
This is a copy of my engineering paperwork for a rather complicated show. We were maxed out on our Outputs and had a live band as part of the performance.
She Loves Me
Lyric Theatre
This was my first big musical engineering assignment at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is a new format of Inputs and Outputs compared to my usual Signal Diagram.
Next to Normal
University of South Dakota
This is a copy of my signal diagram, the formatting of which I use for all my other productions. This was the first musical I ever worked on and It was a great joy to be a part of.
*Other paperwork can be made available upon request.
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